Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1st Fishing trip :)

Seth decided it was time to take Greyson on his first fishing trip. He had a blast and lasted a lot longer out there than we thought he would! I think he just enjoyed playing with all his new gear.

Visit to Kentucky!

I honestly cannot remember the last time we went to KY I think it was almost 2 years ago. We finally made the trip a few weeks ago and as always it seems like we are never there long enough! Here are some pictures from our trip. P.S this is a small sampling of the pictures I have I am just to lazy to upload them all right now!

Greyson with his cousin Tyler.

Greyson with his uncle Raymond.

Greyson with his uncle Raymond and Uncle Mike.

Greyson with his daddy!
After eating ice cream from the ice cream truck.

It has been a LONG time since I have updated....

Seth has been saying to me over and over again about updating this blog ( you know babe you have the password and can update it also ;) ). So I decided to update it. There will be a series of posts as there has been so much going on. They all will be done over the coming week ;)

Quick updates:
Greyson is going to be 3 soon! I can not believe he is almost 3 already.
We have moved to St. Joseph (an hour north of KC)
Greyson is going to a new PDO program and we both love it.
I am about 7 months away from getting my Bachelors degree. Sometimes homework is all it seems like I do!
I have started volunteering at a few different places in the St. Joe area.
We have a new house (new address so if anyone needs it email one of us)
We have recently taken a trip to KY, Salina, and the St. Louis arch.
We are planning to take another mini trip soon.

Everything else will be updated in a post!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I just LOVE that picture!! I amaze myself with my pictures sometimes.You just get lucky I guess. We decided to go to the Pumpkin patch to get some pumpkins! It was really fun and Greyson liked it until he picked up about 2 pumpkins and get his hands hurt because they have prickly things on the stem. We left with about 30 dollars worth of pumpkins.. I think it was about 20plus pumpkins. But we did have to buy 10 small ones for Greyson's Parents day out class. While we were walking around Seth and Greyson saw a snake.. Fun
Looking for the perfect pumpkin......

Here's Seth and Greyson picking our "big" pumpkin..And the big pumpkin.....
All the pumpkins we picked....
A kiss for daddy on the way out awwwwwww.....

A long needed update for everyone...

I wouldn't count on this blog being updated more than once every few weeks for the next who know how long. I started college classes on October 5th and lets just say I am busy. I will try my best to update whenever I can.

Greyson is still growing like a weed. I had to take him to the doctor last week because he had an upset tummy and he weighs 29pounds! They didnt measure his height so not sure on that but I cant believe he has gained a few pounds.. I knew my arm was crying for some reason.

This last week (Friday) we had to go to the car dealership to get the heater on my car fixed. I went in one day only to be told I would have to come back another. So we went back Friday and what I was told should be a 30minute deal wound up being 2 hours, then 3 hours before we got out of there. About 30minutes before we left I went to call Seth to ask him to bring Greyson some lunch. About this time Greyson decided to walk in front of the door and this guy decided to walk in the same door without looking (glass door). I saw what was happening and couldn't get there fast enough... Next thing you know Greyson is screaming with blood shooting out of his mouth.

We run to the bathroom and I start wiping and trying to look praying he didnt knock a tooth out or something.. It was his tongue. He literally bit a small hole through his tongue and gave himself a huge gash. I have never seen a tongue bleed so much. Meanwhile I have on a white sweater coat.. can you imagine what happened to it? Yep covered in blood. Put a call into the pedi and he said nothing they can do just watch it and make sure it heals okay. Fast forward a few days and its almost healed! This is the best I can do as for photos..Look at the bottom left hand piece of his tongue as your looking at the photo.
In other news! Its fall. Well if you can consider it that. Its already in the 40's here.. I thought fall was suppose to be in the 60's or so. In any case this is my favorite time of year. I love the cooler temps, Halloween, chili, and all the other things that go along with it. We decided to make some cookies on Friday evening. After we ate a few we let Greyson do whatever he wanted.. look below..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Behind once again!!!!

Long time no post. I have been meaning to post an update for a few weeks now.. So here it is..

Greyson is getting bigger everyday. He is talking up a storm now. We stalk the fire station a few times each day, watch Monster Jam at least 3x per day and were always playing with monster trucks or firetrucks. Yep total boy :) I took him up to the Stride Rite outlet for new shoes and care to guess what they have on them.... Firetrucks.. I hate them. Their white with light up firetrucks on the side.. HATE them. 2 strikes againest them and there not shoes I would normally buy but...

HE LOVES THEM.. He saw them wanted to put them on right then and there and wore them around the store for an hour.. when I wanted him to try on shoes that I might get him I had to promise him he could put the fire truck shoes back on in order to get him to take them off. After I found a pair of shoes I wanted and said Greyson do you like these? Want to wear these?

No fire truck.. and so we left with ugly white blinkly fire truck shoes. Mama got some boots that she liked for fall/winter though :) And here are the ugly shoes in the glory. Oh and by the way he wants to wear them anytime we leave the house.

His daddy took him to the car races and it happened to be a night where they had monster trucks showing.. hooked. I will have to take a picture of all his monster trucks in once place because im sure were pushing 20 or so.. maybe more.. and yes we bought them when we could have said no.... :)

We took a trip down to Hutchinson a few weekends ago and he got to see his Nona and Pa and meet some new people. He had a great time until we left him to go to Seth's high school reunion (20 years yes I married an old fart) and he was to be put to bed by his Nona and Pa. At 10pm we returned to change clothes and head out for drinks with Terry and Heather. As we walked in the door this is what we heard. ....

I want my mommy sob sob sob I want my mommy sob sob sob
So we didnt go out for drinks. Greyson is suppose to go to bed at 8 pm. This was 10 and he didnt go to sleep that night until after 11 and each night there after it was tough going to sleep. He did seem to enjoy playing and hanging out with them more this time around.

This weekend is my birthday and our 4 year wedding anniversary also (8 years together this month too). Saturday night (birthday) were going to dinner with some friends and then Sunday were going out all day by ourselves and I have yet to plan what were going to do.. maybe we will just come home and sleep.. im kidding :) Well it would be nice to sleep and wake up when you wanted and not when someone else wanted you to get up.. man the days of that are LONG gone because even when I get to "sleep in" I have to wake up when Seth thinks I need to be up.... go figure

In any case here is what you really came here to see..
Baking Nana bread... and yes bad momma letting him eat the batter but it must have been good..
Cause he licked it off the counter top.... :)

After eating a blue batman ice cream from the ice cream man..

Making Brownies.. he seriously loves to help me cook. Oh and sorry Jen and Chris because I do believe you ate some of these brownies and I swear I didnt remember him eating the batter before I got out what I was going ot bake.... Sorry :)

Riding his daddies tricycle.

Saturday, July 18, 2009