Sunday, October 5, 2008


Greyson and daddy :)

We have been going like the energizer bunny the last few weeks. We made a trip down to Hutchinson so Greyson got to see his dads' side of the family. He did great and was okay with everything including the 3.5 hour drive down. We went to his cousins soccer games on Saturday morning. I didnt take the camera down with us! So we have no photos..

Saturday we went to the Renaissance festival of Kansas City. Greyson seemed to have a good time but got wore out from skipping a nap the day before and of course we were out the next day but as you will see below he conked out in the stroller for about 45minutes.

Greyson rode an elephant!! There is a first time for everything I guess and Seth thought it would be fun to have Greyson ride an elephant.. Mind you it cost 8 freaking dollars for an elephant to take him and G around 4 trees but hey its an elephant ride :) Im not sure how he did when they first started walking because I couldn't see his face but on the last leg of the short short walk he was it was kinda cute and funny.

He also got to go inside a little place to pet and feed goats and such he wasnt really that interested in the animals more of walking around! We got a cone of food to feed them and he still didnt care to much. But it was a place for him to run around after being in a stroller for most of the day.
Then today we went to a birthday party for a friend of ours.. here are some pictures from that also. I tried feeding Greyson some birthday cake with no luck, he reached for animal crackers and I thought okay thats kinda weird. Well I just had the cake sittting there on the plate and Seth wanted it and cut off a piece (he was sitting closer to G) and Greyson reached out and grabbed it, then precided to eat the whole piece of cake but apparently he wanted to feed it to himself. He got to go outside and play in a ball pit and looked like surfer boy at one point!

As you can see we have been very very very very busy and running almost non-stop the last few weeks so this week im hoping to stay in as much as I can without losing it.. after a few days we have to get out because by then both of us need some fresh air

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