Sunday, September 7, 2008

And a short photo shoot

As always click on them to make them larger.

What can I say my child is cute and photogenic. So I am compelled a lot to snap random pictures of him doing whatever. lately this has been easier said than done as I think me taking his picture daily for the last 13 months (haven't been so good this last month) has made him run in the other direction when he sees the camera. Literally. So its been hard to take photos of him without taking 15 of his back to get one good front picture. But here are a few that I took just about 15 minutes ago..

One of his newly found obessions is taking the top of the maalox bottle. Yes its empty :) He loves to un-screw the top.. then the last 2 days he has had an obsession with moving things from one place to another and doing it at least 200 times before he gets done with it. This can be anything. At one point yesterday it was cars.. he would line them up, pack them one at a time to mine or Seth's hand, then take them back one and at time to the table. Then it turned into this barn with farm animals but again he placed them from the barn to my hand, then back to the barn. Not sure what he is learning but im sure its something..

Oh and he is starting to walk down the step instead of going down it belly first. He uses the dog food container to help him walk down. Otherwise he uses our hand, but lately has started reaching out and grabbing hold of the door.

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